Bridge Fund clients Working Poor Individuals and Families
Bridge Fund clients are diverse

Bridge Fund clients are diverse

Our clients are culturally diverse

…like our communities
Bar Chart showing ethnic diversity of our clients

They work as   

Administrative support staff, hotel and restaurant workers, home care attendants, security guards and school employees

They are referred to the programs by

Social service providers, religious organizations, legal service providers, community groups, unions, hospitals and government agencies

They fall behind in their rent because of
  • Uninsured illness or accident
  • Reduction in work hours or wages
  • Loss of a rent-paying roommate
  • Caregiving responsibilities
  • Temporary unemployment
  • Funeral expenses
Clients have low income, high rents
Westchester   $26,484 average annual income
    $2,207 monthly, of which 53% is spent on rent
New York City   $30,701 average annual income
    $2,558 monthly, of which 40% is spent on rent
Client with dog
Most live in rent-regulated housing which, if lost, is almost impossible to replace.
Bridge Fund financial assistance provides clients long-term stability

91% of clients monitored are still in their
housing one year after our assistance
90% after two years
New York City 96% of clients monitored are still in their
housing one year after our assistance
86% after two years
Children are hurt most by loss of a home
35% of Westchester clients are children
32% of New York City clients are children
Preventing homelessness for more than 32 years.

Since 1991, The Bridge Fund of New York Inc., has made loans and grants of more than $28 million, benefitting 50,641 individuals, including 21,101 children.