We are The Bridge Fund of New York Inc.

The mission of The Bridge Fund is to prevent homelessness for vulnerable, working poor individuals and families who are threatened with the loss of their housing, but often do not qualify for emergency government assistance.

Who we are.

Oscar S. Pollock

Chairman & Co-Founder

Mary Nan Pollock


Maria Toledo

Executive Director

Fun-loving New Yorkers or Fiercest Champions of the Working Poor?


Oscar and Nan Pollock are co-founders of The Bridge Fund of New York Inc. which, in its first 28 years, has successfully kept more than 42,000 working poor New York and Westchester individuals in their homes. A graduate of Phillips Exeter and Harvard, Oscar is a director at Ingalls and Snyder where he has spent more than 30 years specializing in investment research and money management. His expertise inspired his passionate involvement in public policy issues in the tax area—a sideline that led to the formation of The Bridge Fund. Co-founder Nan, a Saint Louis native and a graduate of Maryville University, spent 14 years as Merchandising Director of Seventeen Magazine. Her proficiency in special events and marketing continues to inform her active fundraising. Together with a handful of other dedicated businessmen and women, Oscar and Nan have succeeded in proving that homelessness prevention is an ideal field for private sector involvement.

The Bridge Fund of Westchester

The Bridge Fund was created in 1991 in response to a severe homelessness crisis
in Westchester County.

Grace Perry, Director

of the WESTCHESTER Program.

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The Bridge Fund of
New York City

The success in Westchester led to the creation of The Bridge Fund of New York City in 1992, which now serves all 5 boroughs.

Emma Melendez, Director

of the NEW YORK CITY Program.

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“A problem that could have been solved for less than $1,000 ended up costing Westchester county $50,148 per year and the social fabric of a vulnerable person’s life was ruined.”OSCAR POLLOCK, Chairman and Co-Founder of The Bridge Fund
Ways to Donate

What we do.

We help clients better manage their finances.

  • one-on-one budget counseling
  • information and referrals to help avoid future housing crisis
  • free, bilingual money management workshops
  • Loan repayments help neighbors.

  • former clients take pride knowing their repayments are used to help others in need
  • repayments are a moral rather than a legal obligation
  • 5% of The Bridge Fund annual budget is covered by client repayments
  • Long-term stability.

  • 91% of clients monitored are still in their housing one year after our assistance
  • 88% after two years
  • A Bridge Fund loan is a good investment.

    Housing a family in a public shelter costs Westchester or New York City between $50,000 to $62,000 annually, while a $2,500 Bridge Fund loan usually stabilizes a client.

    Provide financial assistance.

    Interest-free loans or grants are given to pay rental arrears to keep clients in their threatened housing.

    Our staff provides guidance and expertise.

    We support anxious clients through the housing court process and act as an advocate for clients in securing additional benefits.

    Preventing homelessness for more than 33 years.

    Since 1991. The Bridge Fund of New York Inc. has provided loans and grants of over $31 million, benefiting 52,311 individuals, including 21,609 children.
    “Homelessness for children is more than the loss of a house. It separates them from their belongings, their pets, reassuring routines, friends and community. Ongoing, chronic stress can have profound and lasting effects that may still be manifested in adulthood.”Dr Ellen Bassuk, Founder of the National Center on Family Homelessness

    Who we serve.

    Clients Are Working Poor Individuals and Families

    They work as

  • administrative support staff
  • hotel & restaurant workers
  • home care attendants
  • security guards
  • school employees

  • Bridge Fund clients have low income, high rents*

    $34,498 average annual income – Westchester
    $2,875 monthly – 47% spent on rent

    $32,712 average annual income – New York City
    $2,726 monthly – 44% spent on rent

    They are referred to the programs by

  • social service agencies
  • religious organizations
  • legal service providers
  • community groups
  • unions

  • They fall behind in their rent because

  • uninsured illness or accident
  • reduction in work hours or wages
  • loss of a rent-paying resident
  • care-giving responsibilities
  • temporary unemployment

  • Most live in rent-regulated housing, almost impossible to replace, if lost

    Children are hurt most by loss of a home*

  • 37% of Westchester clients are children
  • 25% of New York City clients are children

  • Clients are culturally diverse, like our communities*

  • 53% African American
  • 35% Hispanic
  • 8% Caucasian
  • 4% Other
  • Source: 2023 Bridge Fund Data